#MuddyMamas Prep

June 14, 2019

#MuddyMamas Slang

With Mud Runs becoming so popular in recent years, it’s no wonder that groupies have come up with a whole new glossary of dirty words. And we wouldn’t want any of our first-timers missing out on the conversation.


Bale Out

When you run and leap to secure footing on the hay bales, only to realize you didn’t get enough momentum and have to try again.

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May 9, 2019

How to Improve Your Endurance (Without Actually Running)!

Our Muddy Mamas event is meant to be fun for all, so enjoy gearing up for the day in a way that fits you. 

Here are some tips that will help you make it to the finish line faster (without having to invest extra time on the treadmill).

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April 16, 2019

Top 10 Muddy Mamas Hacks

For all you mud run rookies out there, here are a few of our favorite day-of tricks and pro-tips to surviving a messy #MuddyMamas run.

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February 21, 2019

The Ultimate #SquadName

You have your #MuddyMamasSquad all rounded up, but now you’re struggling to come up with the perfectly punny and hilariously inappropriate team name. Here are some ideas to get the creativity flowing!

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